In today's time, people are very upset not only with their fat body but also with their thin skinny body.
They also think about how to increase the weight But it doesn't matter that in today's time there are home and medical measures to reduce weight, in the same way, to increase weight. There are many remedies ok now let's go to our topic.
If you want to increase your weight only by home remedies So don't worry we have some such solutions Which will increase your weight in only one month as compared to before. If you are a vegetarian, then you can add to your daily diet Can include some such things which will not only increase your weight but will also bring life to your lean slim body everyone eats food in their daily food and everyone would say potato but have you ever thought That potato can also be used for weight gain, yes, don't eat potato alone and eat starch mixed with it, then see how amazing you feel It will be that your weight has increased compared to before.
Who comes to your mind when it comes to weight gain?
I have told either Salman Khan or Hrithik Roshan The names of these two celebrities must have come to I include green vegetables and pulses, some dry fruits like cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts. your mind and somewhere you may also want to make your body like them nowadays, body builder has also come to make body, if you want in the market, you can also take its help to make your health.
Dry Fruits help for weight gain and feel like good
So for this you don't have to do much, just you eat food during the day, it should be postic and well as asp green Eat vagitable too, it will make you body fit .I hope you have liked this post of mine, if yes then you will definitely try these things once in your life with this I bid farewell to you, see you again in my new post.
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